Skolasajf 2021

Applications for the service of Skolasajf 2021 have opened today. This year Skolasajf will operate from 12th July till 3rd September 2021. The main slogan chosen is ‘An I in every wInner’ (Kull wieħed hu rebbieħ

All guidelines issued by the health authorities, to secure a safe environment, will all be in place. The Foundation for Educational Services explained that the commencement of Skolasajf will be staggered over two days, the 12th and 13th July, while admission to the centres will also be at different times to distribute the number of students gathered at the same time.

While clients are encouraged to apply for this service, Skolasajf will open according to the circumstances and on the advice of the health authorities at the time. For this reason, applicants will not be asked to pay the registration fee at the application stage but when the service commencement is confirmed.

Parents and legal guardians wishing to register their children can do so online till 2nd May 2021. Registrations can be done online on or One can also apply personally by visiting one of the hubs. 

The slogan chosen aims to punctuate the importance that every individual has his talents which can make him successful in his chosen path. Every person, whether children and adults, should be encouraged to cultivate their strengths.

The Skolasajf 2021 logo was also launched. This was the third consecutive year that the Foundation for Educational Services has launched the logo competition for Skolasajf. This year the competition was on a nationwide scale and attracted contributions from children from State, independent, and Church Schools. The winning artwork was created by Dasa Kitic who attends Sliema Primary School.

The winning entry was based on the concept of a multicoloured pinwheel, representing diversity and the contribution that each one of us gives to propel forward our personal and common good. A pinwheel moves forward thanks to the force of the wind, which is the knowledge that each one of us must cultivate and use to achieve his dreams. Everyone must make sure that the pinwheel continues to spin and turn forward by taking advantage of each opportunity to develop our talents, grow, and learn. 

A short video as a guide through the application process is available on the website of the Foundation for Educational Services (FES) at