SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali – Nominations close on Sunday

The Organising Committee of the national sporting event SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonal composed of members from SportMalta and the Malta Sports Journalists Association wishes to inform all Sports Associations and Federations that submissions for this year’s event can be made until Sunday 15th February.

Local Sports Associations and Federations are encouraged to submit their nominations for the seven traditional categories namely:
Sportsman of the year
Sportswoman of the year
Youth male athlete of the year
Youth female athlete of the year
Team of the year
Official of the year
Coach of the year

The submission of nominations together with the rules and regulations can be accessed from the MSJA website or directly through the link below:

The 61st edition of the SportMalta Awards Għażliet Sportivi Nazzjonali will be held on Saturday 13th March 2021 with the official launch scheduled for Wednesday 17th February at 9.30am. The official launch will be streamed on Facebook live through the BeActive SportMalta and Malta Sports Journalists Association respective face book pages.