A process is currently underway to amend the law so that no social benefits and social housing benefits are touched by an attachment warrant that a person may have on their assets. The Government felt that it should make this change in order to protect the interests of vulnerable people facing legal seizure processes by banks.
On Friday morning, at a joint news conference between the Minister for Solidarity and Social Justice, Family and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon and the Minister for Justice, Equality and -Governance Edward Zammit Lewis, it was explained that this change will be one that carries out social justice with those affected.
Minister Michael Falzon stated that in the past there was a limit of around € 700, however now all benefits will be protected.

Minister Michael Falzon said that this is a positive measure that will help hundreds of people who are facing financial and social pressures. He also said that administrative work will also be speeded up, thus reducing bureaucracy.
Minister Falzon stressed that this change is also being made with the cooperation that the Government has found on the part of the Malta Bankers Association.
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Governance Edward Zammit Lewis emphasized the fact that this bill is being designed to ensure that the citizen has the right to live a decent life, especially so these people come from a difficult social background.