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Monthly Archives: January 2021

Coronavirus update: 154 new cases

There were 154 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours according to health authorities.

Habitat restoration projects in Comino ongoing

Ambjent Malta has embarked on a landscape-level habitat restoration project in Comino, which forms part of the Natura 2000 network, announced Minister for the...

Gale force wind warning

Gale force winds are expected to hit the islands today according to the met office. Wind North Northwest force 5 to 6, locally force 6, veering...

Everyone entering UK must now self-isolate

Everyone arriving in the UK from abroad must now self-isolate as all travel corridors close. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the tighter restrictions last week...

State Advocate: Sunday Times article incorrect

With reference to the article in The Sunday Times of Malta dated 17 January 2021 titled ‘Daphne murder suspect wants reduced jail term’, reference to the State...

Simon Busuttil’s partner attacks Professor Charmaine Gauci

Kristina Chetcuti, the partner of former Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil, wrote an article attacking Professor Charmaine Guaciin the english newspaper, The Times. Chetcuti alleged...

Coronavirus update: 141 new cases

Another 141 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 24 hours according to the latest health authority figures.

Watch: Nurse Rachel Grech first to receive second dose of Covid-19 vaccine

This morning at Mater Dei Hospital, Infectious Disease Unit (IDU) nurse Rachel Grech took the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. She was the...

Liverpool v Manchester United

Big games in England today but none catch the imagination like the rivalry between Liverpool and Manchester United. Utd and Liverpool, first and second in...

Tarxien win gives survival hopes

A single goal was enough for Tarxien to pick up three valuable points in their battle to avoid relegation. A penalty by Raphael Kooh Sohna...