In a meeting between the Minister for the Elderly and Active Aging Michael Farrugia and the representatives of the General Workers ‘Union Pensioners’ Association, the complaints and suggestions of the hundreds of members of the the union, including the issue of loneliness among the elderly living alone and the need to improve and dimension certain services for today’s needs were discussed.
Minister Michael Farrugia mentioned the initiatives that will be taken, including new and innovative ones, to continue to make the lives of the elderly in the community safer and more meaningful.
Another topic discussed was the issue of dementia. Minister Michael Farrugia explained that in recent weeks work has been done to see how services for the elderly are run with a view to improving and eliminating certain problems that prolong the process, work aimed at continuing to build on what is good. and eliminate certain processes that may hinder these improvements.
Minister Michael Farrugia said that, “Work has already begun to provide more wifi service in homes and nursing homes while also improving the service in the field of dementia and meals-on-wheels. ”.
At the end of the meeting, the General Workers ‘Union Pensioners’ Association promised Minister Michael Farrugia that it will continue to keep in touch so that the demands of the members of the union can continue to be heard and discussed.
Photo (MSCA)