Launch of ‘Festival Nazzjonali tal-Baned’

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera, together with Cottonera Foundation Chairman Glenn Bedingfield, launched for the first time the ‘Festival Nazzjonali tal-Baned’. This festival will be organised by the Cottonera Foundation and the National Band Club Association.

The festival will be open to all band clubs in Malta and Gozo. A total of four band clubs will be selected to hold a programme in Cottonera during the second and third week of May. However, this will be subject to public health regulations, and thus the festival may take place later on during the year. Even so, the band clubs will need to finalise the new music compositions. Mr Ray Sciberras will be the festival’s musical director.

Minister José Herrera emphasised that such an initiative will stimulate more enthusiasm and interest in Maltese band clubs, which are an integral part of our Maltese identity. He stated that work is currently underway by the Department of Culture to enlist the Maltese feast in the list of intangible cultural heritage under UNESCO.

The Chairman of the Cottonera Foundation Glenn Bedingfield stated that this year they want to make it the year of Cottonera, and thus a total of €20 million were invested in a number of projects and initiatives. The ‘Festival Nazzjonali tal-Baned’ is one of a series of initiatives that will be taking place. Band societies are at the core of all social and cultural activities in Malta. The aim is to give a national platform to band clubs and new compositions.

Dr Noel Camilleri, President of the National Band Club Association, thanked the Cottonera Foundation as, through this initiative, Maltese band clubs are being given a national platform to showcase the musical talents of Maltese musicians, and thus look forward to listen to the original compositions that will be submitted.