The Comedy Knights Are Back To Fight The 2020 Blues

The Comedy Knights are moving online and reinventing the way local comedy is created and performed for audiences.

It’s no secret that the performing arts industry has suffered under Covid restrictions.
Theatres closed nine months ago and no unsubsidised, independent theatre
productions have taken place indoors since then.

With the Christmas Season fast approaching, the Comedy Knights have decided to tackle
the situation by developing a show that people can enjoy from home.

“We didn’t want to disappoint our audience,” said director and co-producer Wesley
Ellul. “It’s been a difficult year for everyone, and we want to invite people to close it off
by blowing off steam and having a laugh with us.” If our audience can’t come to us, we’ll go to them”; added co-producer; Marc Cabourdin.

The result is The Comedy Knight’s House Party powered by XFM, an online event, live
from a studio theatre, streamed directly into people’s living rooms.

“Sketches, songs, satire, live interaction, all the fun and silliness of the usual Comedy
Knight’s live show will be part of this online show”; explains co-producer and writer
Chris Dingli. “We’re retaining that theatrical feeling of the show but being on camera
also allows us to do things that we would never be able to do in the theatre. It’s going to
be fun”, he grins.

Anyone purchasing a ticket to one of the live streams will be able to watch the show on
their Smart TV or on any device with a web browser, such as smartphone, laptop or

Moving the show online is especially beneficial for the public, as people only need to
buy one ticket per household. Wesley explains,”Whereas in the theatre people need to pay for every seat, now your entire family can watch the show for the price of one single

In addition, the first 2000 people to purchase a ticket will receive a Digital Voucher Pack
with over €150 in savings (terms and conditions apply) from local businesses.
The Comedy Knight’s House Party (the Comedy Knight’s 8th annual show) will be
streamed live on 26, 30 December 2020 and 2 January 2021 at 8.30pm. Tickets are
available at or at

The show’s main cast includes Jo Caruana, Pia Zammit, Chantelle Micallef Grimaud,
Colin Fitz, Thomas Camilleri, Marc Cabourdin and Chris Dingli, who wrote the show
together with Steve Hili and James Ryder. Special guests also feature throughout the
show. Directed by Wesley Ellul and produced by Chris Dingli, Wesley Ellul and Marc