In a consultation meeting for the 2021 Budget with the representatives of the Commission for People with Disabilities at the Auberge de Castille, the Prime Minister said that this is a government accessible to all and open to dialogue.
During the meeting, the Prime Minister welcomed constructive criticism about the impact of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic on people with disabilities.
He said the easiest thing for the Government is to increase the restrictions. However, he stressed that the Government must consider the impact on every sector, including that of people with disabilities. He reiterated the importance of the people continuing to observe the restrictions and called for collective responsibility.
He mentioned that work has already started to increase the enforcement of regulations and said that this is crucial for us to continue living our daily lives and no sector will have to bear a greater burden than another.
Commissioner for the Disabled Commissioner Oliver Scicluna spoke about the impact of the pandemic on people with disabilities.
He mentioned that with the restrictions he saw many people with disabilities suffer not only because of their disability, but also mental health problems.
Commissioner Scicluna said education is a fundamental right and should be given on school benches and not from behind a screen. He said there are a large number of students with various conditions that do not allow them to take online lessons.
He said that the lives of people with disabilities depend on many things, including education, therapies, community services, and this should be continued including in residential homes where they live.
During the meeting, Mr Scicluna also presented research carried out by the CRPD to the Prime Minister and thanked the Government for working with the resources at its disposal and making the restrictions with limited knowledge in a changing situation. today for tomorrow.
He also noted that progress has been made in getting people with disabilities into the world of work as well as increasing the allowance for people with disabilities who cannot work. He said these were all important steps that needed to be taken.