On Thursday, 24th September 2020, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi announced that over €10.5 million in Erasmus+ grants will be distributed to 106 beneficiaries to start off new projects. More funds are set to be granted by the end of the year.
Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi stated that such projects provide a valuable contribution to the continuous development of the education and training and youth sectors. Indeed, the priorities addressed by the granted projects are various, with projects aiming to work towards tackling early school leaving, the provision of high-quality early childhood education and care, the use of digital technology for adult education and the holistic access to nature to the deaf community, amongst others.
Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi also highlighted the benefits that such projects have on the personal and professional development of young people, deeming such projects an important investment in the country’s future.
Currently, there are several open calls under Erasmus+ in the field of youth and under the European Solidarity Corps, the deadline of which is set for 1st October 2020. In addition, two new calls were also announced earlier this month as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The deadline of said calls is 29th October 2020.
In view of this, Chief Executive Officer and National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Programme Joseph Schembri stated that one of the biggest aims of the National Agency is to continue reaching out to potential beneficiaries and increasing the numbers of granted projects. He stated that this objective is being reached, as testified by the increase in the number of submitted applications and granted projects. Indeed, since 2014, 714 projects with a grand total exceeding €54.7 million were awarded.
Whilst congratulating the beneficiaries of selected projects, both Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi and Mr Schembri referred to the new Erasmus+ programme, set to run from 2021 to 2027 and which will carry a substantial increase in funds. Thus, potential applicants are encouraged to continue working on their project ideas and to contact EUPA for assistance on eupa@gov.mt or 22586132.