Watch: Investing in community policing

Through an initiative taken between the Individual Investment Program Agency and the Police Force, ten electric bicycles will be purchased for use by the community police.

The Agency has spent € 60,000, part of which will also be used to modify existing buildings in Fgura and Floriana to upgrade the office of the teams that will work in these localities.

At a news conference addressed by the Minister of Interior, National Security and Law Enforcement Byron Camilleri and the Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities Alex Muscat, Minister Camilleri announced that the plan is that by the middle of next year a third of the localities will have community policing. He explained how this is the way forward for the Police Force.

“In the next phase, we will also be including those localities that are facing certain challenges. We are strengthening the police presence on our streets to be more proactive and to give communities a dedicated service by the Corps that is there to protect them. The community police then work with other units within the same Police Force and also in society, ” he said.

Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities Alex Muscat said that the funds provided in investment and generated by the existing investment program are leading to communities enjoying better and more widespread services.