Jason Micallef to run for Deputy Leader for Party Affairs of Labour Party

Jason Micallef entering Labour Party Headquarters. Facebook
Former Secretary General of the Labour Party Jason Micallef has announced he will run for Deputy Leader for Party Affairs of the Labour Party.
On Facebook, he posted:
Hatra ta’ Deputat Mexxej ghall-Affarijiet tal-Partit Laburista.
Wara jiem twal ta’ laqghat, diskussjoni, u hafna hsieb, iddecidejt li nilqa’ ghas-sejha li ghamluli ghadd kbir ta’ delegati tal-Partit Laburista sabiex fit-13 ta’ Settembru li gej, nikkontesta ghall-kariga ta’ Deputat Mexxej ghall-Affarijiet tal-Partit.
Din tieghi ma kinitx decizjoni facli, altru minnhekk. Tkellimt fit-tul ma bosta nies fil-Partit, inkluz mal-Mexxej Robert Abela, u ufficjali ohra tal-Partit Laburista.
Minn dawn il-laqghat kollha, hareg, u fhimt, li fis-sitwazzjoni prezenti, u bl-esperjenza li gbart matul bosta snin fit-tmexxija ta’ hafna mill-istrutturi tal-Partit, imma wkoll ta’ esperjenzi ohra li ksibt permezz ta’ tmexxija ta’ progetti fuq bazi nazzjonali, nista nkun t’ghajnuna fit-tigdid li ghandu bzonn bhalissa l-Partit Laburista.
Imiss issa li nibda niltaqa’ u nisma x’ghandhom xi jghidu d-delegati tal-PL, li fil-maggoranza kbira taghhom, nafhom b’isimhom ghax hdimna bosta drabi flimkien. Maghhom bkejt, fraht, u qsamt esperjenzi sbieh fil-Partit Laburista. It-tigdid li ghandu bzonn bhalissa l-Partit Laburista, irridu naghmluh id f’id flimkien, mill-gheruq. Ghax fkimkien konna hemm minn dejjem, fit-tajjeb u fil-hazin. Fil-bnazzi , u fil-maltemp. B’imhabba genwina lejn dan il-Partit glorjuz taghna.
Grazzi mill-qalb tat-telefonati, tal-laqghat, u l-messaggi ta’ appogg taghkom ilkoll.


After long days of meetings, discussion, and a lot of thinking, I decided to accept the call made to me by a large number of delegates of the Labor Party so that on the 13th of September, I will run for the position of Deputy Leader for -Party affairs. This was not an easy decision of mine, other than that. I spoke at length with many people in the Party, including Leader Robert Abela, and other officials of the Labor Party. From all these meetings, I came out, and I understood, that in the present situation, and with the experience that I have gained over many years in the management of many of the structures of the Party, but also of other experiences that I gained through ‘ management of projects on a national basis, I can be of help in the renewal that the Labor Party currently needs. It is now my turn to start meeting and hearing what the PL delegates have to say, most of whom I know by name because we have worked together many times. With them I cried, rejoiced, and shared beautiful experiences in the Labor Party. The renewal that the Labor Party currently needs, we must do it hand in hand together, from the roots. Because together we have always been there, in good and in bad. In the storm, and in the storm. With genuine love for this glorious Party of ours. Thank you from the heart for the phone calls, the meetings, and the messages of support from all of you..