Strategy for the Reform of the Directorate of Animal Protection launched for the years 2023-2026

The Government has launched the strategy that will lead to the implementation of a complete reform in the operation and structures within the Directorate of Animal Protection, between 2023 and 2026.

The launch was made by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, Anton Refalo together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Animal Rights, Alicia Bugeja Said.

After a wide consultation with activists, citizens and even officials within the Directorate itself, this document was developed with these principles:

Introduction of a central system to obtain and access all information related to the work of the Directorate: This will lead to the internal procedures of the Directorate being updated, with the aim of having a more efficient collection of information for the public officials and for the public;

Investment in the infrastructure for the use of the Directorate: The strategy will indicate the existing infrastructure needs, among these, new clinic facilities, strengthening the ambulance service for animals, as well as more spaces where the abandoned animals;

Strengthening of human capital:

The strategy will ensure that the officers within the Directorate are trained, and given all the necessary resources to fulfill the present obligations, as well as additional ones in the future;

Digital transformation: The reform in the Directorate is based on the use of the latest technological tools, with the aim of ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the Directorate, both internally and with the public;

Introduction of standard procedures in the operation of the officials: The Directorate will work to launch a number of official standard operating procedures, which will ensure consistency as well as transparency in the obligations of the officials;

Strengthening of Governance within the Directorate: The strategy will implement a number of new legal and financial processes, with the aim that all processes of the Directorate remain compliant with all local and European regulations;

Direct communication with the public: The strategy is emphasizing on direct, active and transparent communication with the public, and especially with all the activists who work in this sector. This will be done through the use of social media, traditional media, and even direct discussions with citizens.

Minister Anton Refalo explained how “despite the resources and assistance that the Directorate has been given over the years, and although several advances have been made, there are still areas that need to be improved. In recent years we have held a number of extensive meetings with NGOs and interested parties, where it became clear that although good work has been done and is being done, there is still room to improve the operation. Therefore, through this reform, there is room for more notable advances in the quality and level of Animal Protection.”

He also made reference to what has been done in recent years, where he mentioned the building of a new animal welfare cattery, the Animal Welfare Community Stewards were introduced, the Act on the Appropriate Treatment of -Animals, as well as several new legislations, among other initiatives. Minister Anton Refalo concluded by saying that they will be closely following this work in full consultation with the stakeholders concerned.

Parliamentary Secretary Alicia Bugeja Said said that “This document is an important step to continue strengthening another sector, which has been going through several obstacles. We started with evaluation processes to weigh what is good, and what needs to change. Today we are launching this necessary change and for animals to continue to be at the top of our priorities.” Parliamentary Secretary Bugeja Said stressed how the Government will commit itself in favor of more accountability and transparency in what will be carried out. She concluded by saying that “We will see that this plan is implemented and we are committed to continue delivering a message in favor of the proper protection of animals in our country.”