Infrastructure Malta announces road works in Triq tal-Barrani

Infrastructure Malta has announced a plan to better organize the infrastructure with the aim of improving the traffic flow in the Barrani area, Tarxien and Bulebel. This plan, which will address five junctions in the mentioned area, will see the introduction of a new system of traffic lights which are integrated with each other with the aim of making traffic management more effective.

The works will see vehicles that drive from Tarxien onto Triq tal-Barrani towards Żejtun will do this by using a new lane which means they won’t be stopped by traffic lights.

Access will once again be given to vehicles coming from Żejtun to Bulebel, after this road has been closed for some time. Vehicles travelling from Bulebel to Żejtun can keep doing so, as no changes will impact this route.

Meanwhile, commuters driving from Żabbar to Valletta will pass through Triq Ħal Tarxien and Triq tal-Ħotba before merging into Triq il-Barrani. This means that they will need to pass by the St James Hospital.

Access will be reopened for vehicles driven from Birżebbuġa/Żejtun to enter from Triq il-Gudja, Ħal Tarxien. Meanwhile, the exit from this junction towards Birżebbuġa will remain as it is at present.

Traffic from Żabbar/Fgura in the direction of Santa Lucija/Belt Valletta, will now pass through Triq Ħal Tarxien, towards Triq tal-Hotba, towards Triq il-Barrani, Żejtun.