The Police Force strengthened with 155 new constables in a year

The Police Force continued to be strengthened with 53 constables who successfully completed a training course for recruits. The training, which lasted seven months, was conducted by the Disciplined Forces Academy and included academic, practical and even physical subjects.

The course they did is accredited at MQF4 level by the Malta Authority for Advanced and Higher Education. With it the new constables will begin to provide service to the communities and the country. In the course the recruits were taught a variety of subjects such as ethics, diversity, the laws of Malta, rules and procedures, investigations of crimes such as domestic violence, child abuse on websites, sexual offenses and mental health awareness, among others. These 53 new constables thus join the other 102 constables who joined the Police Force in the last months.

During the passing out parade ceremony, the Minister for the Interior, Security and Work Byron Camilleri said that against the background of the renewal of the police force, the government is not only invest in the tools that the police use but also in better salaries and conditions, along with more rights. He appealed to the new members of the police to work close to the community so that security in the heart of the community is indeed enhanced and that people continue to find confidence in the Police Force.

Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà explained how while the Maltese Police Force is among the oldest institutions of its kind, these new police will find a Police Force that is up to date with today’s times, with ‘more emphasis on professionalism and efficiency. All this is confirmed by every poll of public opinion that has been carried out in recent years, both locally and on a European level, which have always shown that the absolute majority of the Maltese and Gozitan people have confidence in the Corps and the officers.

“These very positive results are a merit of motivated officers who provide a professional service hand in hand with our communities every day,” said Commissioner Gafà.

Constable Jamie Martin Carter was awarded the ‘PC Mark Farrugia Award’ as the most distinguished recruit.

Present for the ceremony was also the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Joyce Dimech, the Commander of the Academy of Disciplined Bodies Karen Galea, the Chairperson of the Board of the Academy, Prof. Raymond Mangion and the Director of Studies, Captain Reuben Lanfranco.