A devolution agreement was signed between the Lands Authority and the Kalkara Local Council for the Council’s administrative offices

 A public building located in the complex of Villa Portelli in Kalkara, will be formally transferred from the Land Authority to the local council of this locality, in order to house the administrative offices of the same council.
This was announced by the Minister for Lands and the Implementation of the Electoral Program Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi and the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli while they presided over the signing of the devolution agreement. The Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi stated how this is a clear example of how the resources of the Central Government are being utilized in the best possible way so that while these historic buildings are conserved, they are utilized for the service of the residents.
“Since the beginning of this year, talks have been held continuously about how we can utilize more public lands and buildings for the service of the community. This led so that, as we are doing today, in the past months devolutions were also made with several other local councils. Even in this case, the Kalkara council is benefiting from the scheme with which it will only be paying the maximum of €500 rent per year,” concluded Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi.
Parliamentary Secretary Alison Zerafa Civelli noted that this devolution is one of a series of devolutions that have taken place in the last months and weeks. She said that this shows the trust that the government has in the local councils to run projects themselves. “Through this devolution the Kalkara Local Council will have a nicer, bigger and better building to operate from, which will ultimately benefit the residents of Kalkara. I wish the local council to move forward with this project so that the people of Kalkarisi can begin to be served by it,” concluded Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli.
Kalkara Mayor Wayne Aquilina said that this signing is an important step for Kalkara Local Council. “During a visit we had made to Villa Portelli we had shown the desire to give part of it to the local council. Through this agreement the Kalkara Local Council will have a more adequate building for today’s times. We look forward to the implementation of the project and the local council to be of better service to the Kalkariża community.”
Also present for the signing of the agreement was the Chief Executive Officer of the Lands Authority Robert Vella.