Embellishment project in a recreational space in Immqaba

A beautification project was inaugurated in a recreational space in Immaqba, by the Minister for Cultural Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici and by the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli together with the Mayor of Immaqba Grace Marie Zerafa.

The project in Mentna Garden in Diamond Jubilee Square was carried out with an investment of around €55,000, part of which was financed by the scheme ‘Financing Capital Projects – Better and stronger communities’ ‘ which is issued from time to time by the Local Government Division. One of the objectives of this scheme is to help financially the local councils to carry out various projects in their respective localities.

Minister Owen Bonnici explained that the beautification project in Mentna Garden in Immqaba reflects the commitment of the Government and the local council to improve the quality of life of the residents.

“The work included re-covering the walls, a new lighting system, swings, as well as plants and a security camera system. This recreational space now offers a better, safer and more enjoyable environment for families, and strengthens the sense of community”, concluded Minister Bonnici.

The Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli praised the work and commitment of the Local Council of Imbaqba which recognized the need for this space to be regenerated and given a better look. She said that the Government committed to continue to support the local councils with everything necessary to continue carrying out projects in the heart of their respective localities according to the needs of the locality and the residents, which change with the times.

“The local councils that are the first point of reference for residents and that are well acquainted with their respective localities, remain the best and most efficient source to identify the needs of their towns and cities. Therefore they themselves know in what way those needs can be addressed” concluded the Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli.

This beautification project consisted of re-coating all the garden walls and cladding was done on the fences that surround this space. A new lighting system was installed and new furniture such as benches and new swing equipment equipped with safety flooring. More trees and plants were also planted with the existing ones. A new security camera system was installed and the pump room was extended. Extensive work was also done so that the fountain began to function again.

Mayor of Immqaba Grace Marie Zerafa said that the local council recognized that this garden needed to be regenerated so that it could be enjoyed by the residents, especially the children. “As a council we have always seen that every scheme issued by the Department for Local Government we apply for and take every opportunity, because we believe that we want to stay close to the residents and give them what they want in order to improve their quality of life,” she concluded says Mrs. Zerafa.

Members from the local council of Immqaba were also present for this inauguration.

Photos (MHAL)