A Government building passes into the hands of the National Band Clubs Association

The Lands Authority and the National Band Clubs Association signed a contract through which the Government transferred with a title for a period of 65 years, a property inside the Lascaris Shore to Valletta, in order to serve as the central building of the National Union of Band Clubs.

This was announced by the Minister for Lands and Implementation of the Electoral Program Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi while he presided over the signing of the transfer contract. The Minister explained how this agreement shows the commitment of this Government to continue helping musical societies in their voluntary work in local communities. He stated that the support of this Government in order to move the band culture forward will continue and the Government will continue to be helpful in order to strengthen this band culture and thus protect the festival Malta which has now been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO.

“I believe that the Association of Band Clubs has an important role to support and strengthen the relationship between the associations and to recognize their needs and deal with the difficulties they encounter. This is to continue to improve the level of training and appreciation of musical art in our country,” repeated Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi.

The Minister recognized the valuable work that the Lands Authority is doing in order to continue to be a support for the voluntary associations as well as for the Local Councils to continue to strengthen their work in the cities and villages.

Dr. Noel Camilleri, President of the Band Clubs Association showed his appreciation for the Government’s support to reach this agreement and explained how this is a memorable moment in the history of the Association where it will now start working on the a project for the building to be renovated and begin to serve its purpose.

“We have come this far thanks to the commitment of the Government which immediately recognized the importance of having adequate property so that the National Association of Band Clubs continues to be the union of unions by having an educational center for musicians as well as a center from which we can continue to be of service to the communities,” concluded Dr Camilleri.

The National Association of Band Clubs was founded in 1947 with the main aim of protecting the interests of all musical associations and societies. The association also organizes sections (masterclasses) of high level training, for music students. The President of the Association Dr. Noel Camilleri and the Chief Executive Officer of the Lands Authority Robert Vella were among those who signed the transfer contract. Also present were the Permanent Secretary Carlos Tabone and officials from the committees of the band clubs from Malta and Gozo.

Photos: MLI