During the coming days, Enemalta will be carrying out works in Marsalforn to not only strengthen the electricity distribution in the area, but it will be preparing so that in the following months, this work will be continued
This was announced by the Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri during a visit to Triq il-Qbajjar, Marsalforn where the intervention will take place. The Minister Clint Camilleri pointed out that this extensive project of strengthening the Enemalta network in Marsalforn, which will later continue to spread to other localities in the area, is part of a wider project that is being worked on by the Enemalta in Gozo to continue to strengthen the distribution and supply of electricity.

The minister explained that since this is a project of a certain magnitude and importance, it will be divided into four phases with the aim of reducing the inconvenience both for the residents, for the businesses and for the visitor of this tourist village. The minister went on to explain that the first phase, and which will be ready before the start of the summer season, will see the installation of a new electric cable in a part of Triq il-Qbajjar with a length of more than 340 meters
After the season ends, the project will continue along the stretch of road as well as on other roads where Enemalta has already identified, drawn up the necessary plans and adjudicated the tenders.
The Executive Chairperson of Enemalta, Eng. Ryan Fava, said that this work that will be done in Marsalforn is part of the strengthening in the distribution of electricity in the island of Goztija.
In the past months, Enemalta, together with the Ministry for Gozo, placed new 11 kilovolt cables in Nadur and Xlendi (Munxar) in order to provide Enemalta with more alternative connections that facilitate the supply is returned in less time, in case of faults.
The Mayor of Zebbug, of which Marsalforn is a part, Dr Marlene Cini welcomed the news that apart from the replacement of electricity cables by Enemalta, this road will be given a new surface. She wished that with the continuation of this extensive project after the summer, a main road in Marsalforn will have been given a new surface and that it will complement a much bigger project, that of rebuilding the road that leads you from Rabat up to Marsalforn, and this with full respect for the area’s environment after discussions held with various associations.
Photos: MEER/MGP.