Major hotel upgrade to five-star shows more confidence in tourism sector

 In an address he made on the occasion that a major hotel in Malta was marked as being classified as a resort, Prime Minister Robert Abela meant the investment made  another act of trust in the country and in the tourism sector.

Noting that seasonality in the tourist sector in Malta has become a thing of the past as official figures show record increases even in winter and all this leads to investments like the one made in Malta by Marriott Resort & Spa. The Prime Minister visited the hotel and apart from meeting the workers, he spoke with both the local management of the hotel and the management of Marriott International, which was present for this occasion through the Chairman of the Board, David Marriott.

The Prime Minister noted the comprehensive investment of €35 million made in top-level facilities in a five-star resort and hotel. Robert Abela said that the government will continue to support the tourism industry which contributes fully to the wealth created in the country. He said that the strategy that the country has for tourism now not only focuses on a recovery that our country reached far before its competitors after a pandemic but is now looking at how the sector can continue to thrive in new realities.

The Prime Minister said that the tourist market in Malta remains linked to tourists who come from countries in Europe and those from countries not far from it, but tourists are also coming from other continents. Here he pointed out the importance of connectivity which remains crucial but he also stressed the need to continue raising the tourism product of our country through such investments, which also help in sustainability and quality in tourism. In this context, Prime Minister  Abela, who was accompanied by the Minister for Tourism and Public Cleanliness Clayton Bartolo, claimed that Malta is also continuing to invest in infrastructure and in sustainable development so that the country remains ‘ raises its tourist product with the particular characteristics it is able to offer.

Photos: DOI/OPM