Maltese Parliamentary Delegation participates in the 18th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Mediterranean in Braga, Portugal

18th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) hosted by the Portuguese Parliament gathered more than 250 delegates from 26 national parliaments and 25 international organizations. The Maltese Parliament was represented by MPs Paula Mifsud Bonnici and Graziella Galea, while MP Ray Abela addressed the 3rd Standing Committee via a recorded message.

The Plenary session, held on 15 and 16 May, consisted of three main sessions covering the work of the three standing committees – the standing committee on Political and security-related Cooperation, the standing committee on Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation and the standing committee on Dialogue among Civilizations and Human Rights. Each standing committee presented and its reports and resolutions.

Graziella Galea made a brief intervention as a follow up to the report on geopolitical and security developments in the PAM regions drafted by Deborah Bergamini. Galea referred to the current situation in the Mediterranean region and the recent developments which are having significant effects on the international community.

Galea urged all stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the Middle East conflict to seek the path of constructive dialogue and mutual understanding. She stressed that Parliaments should serve as catalyst to promote reason and understanding aimed at procuring peace and stability in the region as the need for a two-state solution has never been as urgent.

Galea referred to the Bergamini report which supports efforts of the international community to rebuild trust in the multilateral system, as it is important for such institutions to remain effective during times of crisis. Galea mentioned that Malta is currently chairing the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe with a vision for strengthening resilience and enhancing security in the region.

Galea concluded by urging Mediterranean countries to redouble their efforts to identify their human potential, build inclusive and resilient societies and pave the way for peace and a positive future.

Ray Abela addressed the third standing Committee and presented the report and resolution on ‘Digital transformation across public and private sectors in the PAM region’, via a recorded message.  In his intervention, Abela stated that in a world marked by rapid technological evolution, it is imperative to recognize the power of digitalization in pursuit of sustainable development and the realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda. He warned however that amidst the promise of progress, it is important to remain vigilant against the misinformation, disinformation, and foreign interference as it spread very easily.

Abela stressed that through multilateral cooperation, parliamentarians, must ensure equal access to digital technologies for all citizens, fostering inclusivity and empowering marginalized communities as well. Abela highlighted the efforts made by Malta in the area of digitalisation in which he mentioned its national strategy for 2022-2027, Malta Diġitali. In conclusion Abela encouraged parliamentarians to actively engage in constructive dialogue and to learn from one another as is outlined in the digitalization resolution. The resolution was adopted with unanimity.


During the PAM plenary, awards were given to institutions and individuals whose outstanding contributions across various domains have significantly advanced the ideals of PAM within the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions. This year, selected candidates were chosen for their distinguished work in the field of humanitarian assistance in man-made or natural disasters.

The plenary concluded by electing the new Presidency team of the PAM Women Parliamentary Forum (WPF) for the biennium 2024-2026. Maryam Majid Khalfan Bin Thuyana, Second Deputy Speaker of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates was elected as the new President. Klodiana from the national Parliament of Albania and Tuba Turgut from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey were elected as Vice Presidents.