7 restoration projects in various churches will be financed

The Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici has announced that seven restoration projects of patrimonial heritage items in various churches will be financed through the Restoration Financing Scheme.

This scheme is run by the Maltese Council for the Arts in collaboration with the Department of Restoration and Preservation and was open to cultural organizations and voluntary organisations. In total, these seven projects will receive financial support for the repair, restoration, and conservation of heritage items. This includes internal and external immovable cultural property, such as altars, architectural decor, works of art, decorations, and other elements.

“Such investments are testimony to the importance we give to our cultural and artistic legacy, in this case the religious one. Committed to continuing to help all those involved in traditional and creative activities. Through these schemes and initiatives we are continuing to strengthen our cultural infrastructure, in this religious case, which are an important part of our collective heritage as a Maltese nation,” repeated Minister Bonnici.

The seven projects that will benefit from this scheme are: · Għda Dilettanti Church of Lapsi, San Għljan – Introibo ad Altare Dei: Restoration and Conservation of the Altars in the Old Church of the Parish of San Għljan · Foundation for the Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Malta – Restoration of the Altar of the Chapel of Sant’Anna: Jesuit Church, Valletta · Vittoriosa Historical and Cultural Society – Conservation and Restoration of the painting of the Altar of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary · Patrimonju Siġġiewi Foundation – Restoration of the painting of the Immaculate Madonna · Don Filippu Borgia Society – Restoration of the clock in the Church of San Paul, Birkirkara · Sant’Andrija Musical Association, Luqa – Restoration of the doors located in front of the Church · Vittoriosa Cultural Heritage Foundation: Restoration of the Bradella of the Statue of Saint Lawrence.

Meanwhile, Minister Bonnici also announced the launch of a new scheme, the Restoration Funding Scheme – Mobile Artefacts administered by the Maltese Council for the Arts in collaboration with the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage. This new scheme will support applicants who need to restore movable things in Churches, such as paintings, textiles, statues, chandeliers and is open to voluntary organisations, in collaboration with the Parish Church.

Applications will close on 2 July 2024. The Head of Financing of the Maltese Council for the Arts Rita Falzon said that through these schemes they are assisting in the maintenance and development of our country’s cultural heritage.

“These types of initiatives allow the protection and continued access to this legacy by strengthening our communities in order to safeguard local cultural identities within a multicultural environment that is constantly evolving.”

For more information and to download the guidelines and regulations for the Restoration Funding Scheme – Mobile Artifacts, visit the Maltese Arts Council website at artscouncil.mt.