Work is underway on a new pictorial scheme in the vestibule of Kirkop Church

The artistic project that will see the chapels and the quadrants of the Kirkop Parish Church are given a new pictorial scheme is progressing at a good pace. This project is being done with funding from the Maltese Council for the Arts and the Malta Airport Foundation.

This artistic project is being done by the established artist Anthony Spagnol, where he will be integrating contemporary elements while respecting the existing artistic heritage.

During a visit made by the Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici where he could see the ongoing work on this project, he claimed how this initiative aims to improve the -cultural, artistic and social value of the village of Kirkop.

“This initiative reflects the Government’s commitment to the preservation and celebration of our artistic heritage and identity as a country. Every investment in our patrimonial heritage is an investment in favor of this heritage being enjoyed by future generations,” stressed Minister Bonnici.

For his part, the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta Michael Pace Ross said that this project does justice to those who came before us and left us this heritage through which they expressed their faith and passed it down from generation to generation for the other.

“Thanks to this collaboration this project is being implemented. We want to continue to look after this heritage for those after us, as well as for the tourists who visit us. I thank the various experts who worked professionally, the Maltese Land Council and the Malta Airport Foundation for the funding, and everyone who contributed including the priest Rev. Martin Cardona,” said is -Mr Pace Ross.

Kenneth Cassar, art historian and who is assisting the Church of Kirkop in this project said, “This project found a balance between the existing pictorial scheme, namely that of Giuseppe Briffa, together with ‘ what the artist Anthony Spagnol is proposing, so that finally there is a holistic scheme that reflects the times both from the artistic side and also from the liturgical side.”