We should celebrate women every day and not only on Women’s Day. Although women have progressed a lot over the last few years, we have to work harder for a more inclusive society on a daily basis. It was this message from Dr. Lydia Abela at the closing of the first edition of the MARA initiative that a month ago spurred the idea that all women in our country would be recognized for their part in society.
In the presence of many mayors, women who were recognized and a number of other guests at Villa Francia, the Prime Minister’s wife Dr. Lydia Abela said that this celebration is testimony to the important role that women play in our country. “You were also witnesses today of the altruistic values that the Maltese woman embraces. Despite the fact that the stories we experienced today were diverse, there is a common thing between all of you women: that you look after the needs of others and that you think of others, often before yourself,” said the Prime Minister’s wife. She explained how we need to stress more on the importance of women’s independence. “I meet people who tell me you don’t work anymore, right? While I answer them that I give a family every support it does not mean that I put aside what I have invested in my youth, my studies and my career,” pointed out Dr. Abela.
Exactly one month before this day, Dr. Lydia Abela had launched for the first time Premju Mara 2023/2024; a prize that today, March 8, recognized a woman from every locality in our country. Among those who were recognized, the award was given to women from all walks of life and from various sectors. From a young woman who lost someone dear to her and thought how to unite the community she lives in, to a nurse who continued to contribute even after she finished the world of work. From a blind woman who, despite her challenges, helps her sister in what is needed, to a mother who lost her only child and remained involved in volunteering.
In this activity, Dr. Abela had the opportunity to meet these women and listen to their success stories while it was a moment of celebration for the unique achievements of the women. “You are strong, capable and talented women. Never let that talent fall by the wayside, because to love others you have to love yourselves. Maybe if it wasn’t for this award, the big chance would have been that these stories would have remained hidden. The purpose of MARA was to bring these stories to the surface,” concluded the Prime Minister’s wife.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli explained that International Women’s Day is a day in the year where emphasis is placed on the importance of equality and listed the contribution made by local councils to recognize women from the localities from Malta and Gozo for their work and the positive effect they have left in their respective communities. The Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality Rebecca Buttigieg said that the women who were honored with this award, are one of the many examples of Maltese women who are making a valuable contribution to our communities so that together we continue to make Malta better and more equal and inclusive.
Photos: OPM