Public consultation on the White Paper ‘More effective justice for drug victims’ closes

Submissions from stakeholders and citizens among others showed a positive response in a public consultation on the reform for more effective justice with drug victims. The Ministry for Justice and Reform of the Construction Sector welcomed this response on an important reform whose goal is a fair and effective balance between the interest of justice and the rehabilitation of ‘ drug victims.

During these last weeks several consultation meetings were held with the main stakeholders including Sedqa, Caritas and OASI, as well as meetings with the public. The Minister for Justice and Reform of the Construction Sector Jonathan Attard explained that the remarkable amount of positive submissions made in the public consultation are the greatest proof of how necessary this reform was.

The response from stakeholders and the public will continue to strengthen the main objective of the Government, which is to offer more effective justice to drug victims. At the same time as the Government remains a catalyst for reforms for a fairer society, it will continue with its work against drug trafficking. “We went to those who have daily contact with those who are really victims of drug addiction. These experiences increase our determination not to slam doors in the face of the genuine victims of this social scourge, who wish to rehabilitate themselves and even others who have already started this process to improve their lives”, stressed the Minister Jonathan Attard.

Minister Jonathan Attard also noted that even those who for weeks came out calling for this reform to be withdrawn, today recognized how necessary this reform is so much so that they came out in favor of the absolute majority of what is proposed in the reform. The Ministry for Justice and Reform of the Construction Sector thanks all those who participated in the process and looks forward to analyzing the various submissions of all those who participated in the public consultation that go to the next step, the legislative one.

Photo (MJR)