Malta Just – Investment in new day centers in Cottonera

A project was completed through which three day centers were opened in Cottonera. These three centers located in Bormla, Birgu and Kalkara will be offering recreational space for the elderly in Cottonera.

The Minister for Active Aging Jo Etienne Abela together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli visited these three new centres. During this visit it was explained that through collaboration between Active Aging and Community Care, the Parish of Bormla and the respective local councils, it led to the opening of these centres.

Minister Jo Etienne Abela said that after a number of talks, the need was felt to continue expanding the day centers in other locations. He explained how the aim of these centers remains to offer a space to the elderly where they can meet and stay active through the various sessions held. He also mentioned how the varied program of activities helps to encourage the elderly to continue learning and continue to play an active role in society by using their abilities and sharing their experience with other elderly people and other generations. Minister Abela stressed the importance of these centers where there are currently 29 centers in Malta. He concluded by saying that the Government committed to continue offering such centers and spaces around Malta, for the benefit of the elderly in the community.

Parliamentary Secretary Alison Zerafa Civelli praised the collaboration of these local councils in favor of the elders of Cottonera. She stressed that the local councils should always keep at the center of their work, the continuous improvement of the quality of life of all residents, in their respective communities. “Committed to continue working on more projects and initiatives that promote active aging and the inclusion of older residents in the community,” concluded Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli.