European Day for Justice celebrated together with students and educators

 On the occasion of the European Day for Justice, the Ministry for Justice invited a number of students and educators from various secondary colleges around Malta to the Berga d’Aragona to commemorate this day.

On this day which is coordinated by the Council of Europe and is celebrated throughout Europe, the entities and agencies within the Ministry for Justice gave presentations on the work and opportunities that they are offered with the aim of having more knowledge and access to justice. The students also had the opportunity to ask, discuss and actively participate in the discussion.

The Minister for Justice Jonathan Attard said that the aim of this activity is a vast one, where we not only explain justice and the function of various institutions in the justice sector, but also attract more young people towards this sector, which is growing all the time, so that we can continue with our work to ensure that the service that is being given to the people continues to improve and increase efficiency.

“It is important to strengthen knowledge in this very delicate field, because the more knowledge we have, the more intelligent we will have a society on which we can build a good justice system that enjoys the trust of the people it serves” concluded Minister Attard.

The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima stressed that, “as part of the education system of our country we want to see that we give our children the opportunities in which they get skills and knowledge about the world outside the school desks.” The Minister Grima reiterated that on this day we are seeing that we give knowledge about this very important subject and in this way we encourage more students to take up a profession in this important sector in order to give their contribution for the good of ‘ our country.

This occasion was attended by the Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Justice and representatives from the Attorney General’s Office, the State Attorney, the Court Services Agency, the Legal Aid and the Office of the Government Notary.