Another edition of the European Sports Week is launched

 As in previous years, Malta will participate in the European Sports Week which started on Saturday, September 23, and has until Saturday, September 30. A week of activities spread across 40 countries with the aim of promoting a more active lifestyle to millions of people both in Europe and also in countries beyond Europe. The focus this year is on involvement, inclusion and innovation, a reflection of the changes in contemporary society.

One of the main goals of this week is to raise awareness about the lifestyle we are living, especially when statistics show that a substantial number of people across Europe, including in our own country, do not do not live a balanced life in which they include the important element of sport and physical exercise.

“Through SportMalta and the #BeActive campaign, we promote sport and physical activity throughout the year and from an early age in our schools, because we want society to be aware of the importance of activity physical and to participate more actively in sports and physical activities,” said the Minister for Education, Sport, youth, research and Innovation, Clifton Grima.

Minister Grima, together with SportMalta’s Head of Events Rosemarie Mercieca, gave details of the activities that will take place during this week, including the main event on Sunday, September 24, at three in the afternoon at the Marsa Sports Complex. The aim is to bring together several national associations to create a sports village with fun activities that appeal to all citizens. The activities will include a vast range of different sports disciplines that will take place in the entire area of the Marsa Sports Complex.

All educational institutions are also invited to participate in the annual National Sports Day event organized by SportMalta which will take place on Friday, 13 October 2023. The head of events hinted at the campaign’s message about how important physical activity is for everyone. “I hope that this initiative will be just the first step for the people to live a more active life, while I invite more people to be part of #BeActive so that we have not only healthy citizens but a healthier society,” continued Rosemarie Mercieca.

Minister Clifton Grima, while emphasizing that sport and regular physical activity are a crucial part of our daily life to improve our quality of life, said that the European Commission emphasizes that Friday European Sport should serve to promote more action in favor of physical activity.

Photo: MEYR