Malta must remain at the forefront of equality – Prime Minister Robert Abela addresses a Conference on Human Rights – LGBTIQ+

During a Conference on Human Rights – LGBTIQ+, Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that Malta will continue to work to advance civil liberties and fight the status quo.

In an address he made at the opening of the conference, which was attended by a number of Maltese and foreign activists among others, the Prime Minister stressed that our country is proud to remain in the first place of the index year after year. of ILGA Europe and will remain committed to staying at the top because our country can never discriminate against anyone, including at the expense of the LGBTIQ+ community.

“We have had many legislative leaps in Malta,” stressed Prime Minister Abela, noting how from 2013 onwards, our country has taken giant steps in the field of civil rights. He said that it is a concern to see who, instead of moving forward, turns the clock back. Note how in the last months, the Government continued to make other notable steps such as a change that removed an act of discrimination in blood donation so that the parameters that regulate blood donation were equal for everyone.

This is apart from commitments that the Government must honor from the ‘Malta Flimkien’ work program, such as the introduction of new legislation that continues to strengthen equality and that essential medicines in preventing the spread of HIV be part of the national drug formulary. Prime Minister Robert Abela also explained how work is currently underway and a site has been identified for the LGBTIQ+ hub to provide important services for LGBTIQ+ people, from teenagers to older people, under one roof. All this is also being done in the spirit of the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for Equality and LGBTIQ+ 2023-2027.

Prime Minister Robert Abela explained how Malta is proud to host a celebration of love and respect in favor of equality through EuroPride Valletta 2023. He greeted the activists and organizations working in the field of civil rights and conveying a message in favor of equality. He said that Malta is a free country where one can live as he actually feels and can build a family.