On Friday evening, in a ceremony in the Co-Cathedral of St. John and in the President’s Palace, Valletta commemorates the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of local governments in the Maltese islands.
It was on 30 June 1993 that Act number 15, 767 was issued by the Parliament of Malta to provide for the establishment of local councils in Malta and Gozo. The thanksgiving mass was celebrated by Mons. Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta.
The President of Malta George Vella and Mrs. Miriam Vella were present for this mass. At the beginning of the mass, as a symbolic sign the Regional Presidents placed the flags of their respective regions on the gate. President of Malta George Vella thanked the local councils who, since their establishment thirty years ago, were and still are a unique point of reference in our communities. President Vella pointed out that the local councils lived through the great changes that Maltese society went through together with the citizens and residents.
“Despite all this, the local councils were and remain the first place where the citizen turns to look after the strengthening and beautification of his locality, the maintenance of public gardens and other local facilities. For the functions you have served and for the service you have given throughout these years, it is fitting that today, on behalf of the entire Maltese and Gozitan people, we convey a big thank you,” said the President.
The local councils, added the President, have a key function to further strengthen unity in Malta and Gozo, and this should also include foreign residents. He encouraged the local councils to continue working to, as they have managed to do so far, prove that the devotion of certain aspects of the public administration, from the central government to the local authorities, has left positive results, and continues to be at its best interest of citizens.
The Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici said how exactly 30 years ago a historic law was brought to Parliament through which various responsibilities of the central government were decentralized to the level of local government.

Minister Bonnici concluded by saying that this is a celebratory activity that everyone who is working in the field of local government should rejoice and feel proud.
Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli said that for the last 30 years, the local councils have worked and served close to the residents, regardless of the challenges and needs of their localities.

“However, the local councils need to adapt to the times, work in strong structures and with the necessary tools in order to continue to fulfill their role in our communities”, stressed the Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli. The Parliamentary Secretary made reference to the National Strategic Vision of Local Government and said that this is a new tool that will continue to renew the field of local government.

Photos: DOI, MHAL