At the MFCC Ta’ Qali, where the first edition of the Public Service Expo is being staged, the Cabinet convenes to discuss the Public Service. During the meeting, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers heard from several people, both students, entrepreneurs and public officials, about their experience related to the public service, as well as suggestions on how to strengthen this the service.
The Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that the Public Service will be a protagonist of the change towards the digital and environmental core so that our country continues to move forward. He reiterated that the same Public Service must facilitate these changes for the rest of society, while continuing to strengthen the service that every citizen receives. The Prime Minister mentioned that in the digital change, in the last five years, the Government invested five hundred million euros in the digitization of public services. This has led us to remain at the top of e-government among all the countries of the European Union. He mentioned how digitization leads to improving the operation of crucial sectors such as those of health and justice. He also spoke about Artificial Intelligence (AI) which must be at the center of major changes and how the National Strategy on AI aims to prepare our country to adopt AI in processes and systems.
In terms of environmental reforms, Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that the Public Service continues to be at the forefront to carry out the necessary changes to reach the established targets. Here he mentioned the core for 250 electric vehicles that are used in the public administration. He also mentioned the transformation that must be done in public buildings, such as the completed Project House project in Floriana, to make them more sustainable in the use of energy.
The Prime Minister spoke about the service provided to the public which should be efficient and of quality. He mentioned how a number of departments have already been recognized for the excellent service they provide to the public, where they have been awarded a Quality Label. Here he emphasized that every department should reach this level. The Prime Minister listened to what the people who spoke during the Cabinet had to say and reiterated that this was an opportune occasion to hear what the people had to say. “Let’s take these suggestions and improve our systems. Let’s keep listening to the customer because that’s the only way we can design and offer a service of excellence. Let’s stay close to the people, because that’s the only way we can make a difference,” concluded Prime Minister Robert Abela.

The Chief Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana also spoke during the meeting. In his address he said that the Public Service is continuing to look ahead and introduce modern and innovative reforms, which avoid extra administrative work and increase efficiency. Mr. Sultana claimed that these reforms respect and strengthen the conditions of the workers, but also increasingly address the needs of the public so that more services reach more people in the easiest way. Thus with a collective effort, the Public Service continues to modernize itself and our country for more positive results.
Before the Cabinet meeting began, Prime Minister Robert Abela visited the Public Service Expo, which is gathering within it various technological systems that are used on a daily basis by the Public Service. This innovative Expo will remain open until Friday, 12 May 2023.
Photos: OPM, DOI