At a Summit in Zagreb in which the women and men of the European Leaders participated, the wife of the Prime Minister Dr. Lydia Abela pointed out the important step of creating a Network for the Prevention of Obesity among Children in the European region within the World Health Organization, (WHO).
In the Croatian capital where the subject of obesity among children was treated, Dr. Abela stressed the need for a holistic strategy that looks at all the faces of the issue so that obesity among children is truly addressed from various aspects. In an address at a Summit that Dr. Abela attended at the invitation of the wife of the President of Croatia, Professor Sanja Music Milanović, she emphasized that the importance of physical activity and the promotion of healthy food go hand in hand.

She pointed out the steps being taken in Malta, including not only the addition of physical activity lessons in schools but also the promotion of nutritious food in schools, including in breakfast clubs in schools state. He also noted measures that the Maltese Government will take linked to the strengthening of a tax credit for working parents who send their children to extra-curricular activities including sporting ones.
Lydia Abela also explained how our country is continuing to strengthen its sports infrastructure with capital investments that are being enjoyed by today’s and tomorrow’s generations. This is to continue to have an active society. It meant the reality of obesity among children as a challenge and one that we cannot turn our faces to. She urged that collectively as an international community we work together to address this challenge and welcomed the step being taken under the auspices of the WHO with the involvement of the Director of the European Region, Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge.
Dr. Abela maintained that the dialogue with important stakeholders in the field of health remains a crucial one so that the challenge of obesity among children is not only addressed from the roots but there is also prevention work for the wealth of future generations. In this context she mentioned how Malta remains open to contribute even at an international level in this regard and congratulated the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne, who was nominated as President of the 76th Assembly of the WHO and which will be held later this month in Geneva.