Students can now work and study in a new 7,400-square-metre open space through new facilities such as free Wi-Fi and charging points. Project Green launched this new Green Open Campus at Millbrae Grove, next to the MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts, in Mosta.
Ministers Miriam Dalli and Clifton Grima, together with Project Green CEO Steve Ellul, emphasised the importance of open spaces where students can interact and study in a peaceful environment, conducive to their mental wellbeing.
The Green Open Campus is equipped with charging points for electronic devices and public Wi-Fi, so that students and other visitors can study or work in these green surroundings. Internet connectivity is free and open to all.
Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli explained that as part of this project, five MCAST students are collaborating with Project Green to design and decorate the garden’s benches, encouraging this student community to take ownership of this space by embellishing it to their liking.
“Through different initiatives, we are showing how open spaces can have different purposes in our community. They are not only recreational areas but can also be tranquil spaces where one can study, read or work. When we incorporate our natural environment in our daily activities, we improve our quality of life and mental wellbeing,” said Minister Miriam Dalli.
Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima highlighted the importance of open spaces and green spaces within an educational environment.
“In all our recent infrastructural projects, we worked to provide the best possible educational environment, whilst incorporating open spaces that contribute to the students’ wellbeing. Even in this educational institution, major infrastructural projects are underway so that we continue to make MCAST a better learning environment for an enhanced educational experience to all students,” said Minister Grima.
Project Green CEO Steve Ellul said that, “This project was carried out through a collaboration with MCAST students. Every open space has a specific theme, and this open space is dedicated to students. In this case, it is a project by youths for youths.”
The Green Open Campus at Millbrae Grove includes some 205 trees, 155 of which were planted through an initiative in collaboration with Puttinu Cares, with each tree representing a €300 donation from the public to this voluntary organisation. This project will serve as a blueprint for other similar projects that are being planned for the near future.