Let’s do it Together: A €12 million scheme with European funds for access to jobs

The Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands Silvio Schembri and the Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Chris Bonett launched a €12 million scheme with European funds with the aim of more people entering the world of work.

This scheme will be administered by Jobs+ with the aim of disadvantaged people entering the world of work quickly. Among the people who can benefit from this scheme are young people, people who are over 24 years old and have been unemployed for 24 months, people over 50 years old and who are unemployed, people who have only completed secondary school and persons with disabilities.

Through this scheme, employers will receive a subsidy of €110.93 per week for full-time employment and €55.47 per week for part-time employment, for a period of 52 weeks or 104 weeks depending the target group of the scheme.

In case of disabled persons, the employer is given €166.40 per week for full-time employment or €83.20 for part-time employment for a maximum of 156 weeks.

Minister Silvio Schembri said that although in our country we have very high rates of people in the world of work so much so that there is a shortage of workers, our country also has bands of people for whom it is more difficult than others to enter the world of work.

“Last year alone, over a thousand applications were made for this scheme, and 564 people were successfully employed. Since June 2015, through this scheme 3,200 people entered the world of work, of these 51% were women, 15% exceeded the age of 54, 16% were disabled people. 78% were people who have been unemployed or inactive for more than two years,” said Minister Schembri.

Parliamentary Secretary Chris Bonett said that this scheme is being financed with European funds from the European Social Fund+ in which 40 million euros have been allocated to invest more in workers and make the labor market more resilient.


“This scheme shows us that despite the challenges you encounter in life, the Government continues to help you to enter the world of work and continue to progress in society. The beauty of this scheme is the collaboration between the Government, employers and workers so that together we continue to invest in the labor sector and offer more quality jobs,” said Dr Bonett.

Photos: MEFL, DOI