Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality Rebecca Buttigieg launched the Europride 2023 programme, an international event that will continue to celebrate diversity and equality.
Europride, which will take place between 7 and 17 September 2023, with the theme “Equality from the Heart”, aims to attract thousands of people from all over the world to Malta to celebrate the -the LGBTIQ+ community, while promoting the strong message of equality.
During an activity in Valletta, Parliamentary Secretary Buttigieg claimed that “the fact that this day was chosen for the launch is symbolic, because we want a society of love, where we cherish each other, regardless of personal choices of the individual.”
She said how Europride Valletta represents a historic and unprecedented moment for our country not only because it is the first time that Malta will host this international event, but also because it will be the smallest country in the EU with the best rights for people LGBTIQ+ who welcomes this global manifestation.
“The principle we kept in mind in designing the program of activities was that we don’t just want a week of celebrations, but we want it to be, and will be, a Europride of substance, through which we build a legacy of equality and respect So that the generations to come don’t even have to keep fighting battles that should have been won a long time ago,” said the parliamentary secretary.
The President of the ARC (Allied Rainbow Communities) Clayton Mercieca also addressed the activity who said “I have seen Malta progress forward in civil liberties and equality rights. Laws that made a difference in my life where I could marry my partner and have a family, in the lives of trans people where they finally began to be legally recognized with less hindrance, where now I can donate blood and not be discriminated against. Europride in Malta will serve to continue to increase diversity in our country.”
Artistic Director Toni Attard listed the main activities that will be organized during this period including an art exhibition, dance and fashion shows. “The EuroPride artistic program is an opportunity to look beyond representation and create an artistic environment that primarily focuses on work created by gay artists and community allies and that talks about different aspects of gay culture – both in ‘that which is radical art and with political activism as well as that which is more popular and entertainment art,’ explained Mr Attard.