At the Bormla primary school within Santa Margerita College, the wife of the Prime Minister Dr Lydia Abela launched the book ‘Int Tista’ u Taf Tpingi’. This is as part of the sixteen days of activism with awareness about domestic violence with the theme ‘Domestic Violence Is Everyone’s Business’.
Accompanied by the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima and the Permanent Secretary within the same ministry, Matthew Vella, Dr Lydia Abela visited a number of classes and followed carefully a lesson linked to the themes of love and respect. Dr. Abela hinted at the need for education as an important tool to continue fostering important values among children and the generations to come.
She explained how the book, which will be distributed in all primary schools, is aimed at young children and teaches about friendship and respect. This while helping the little ones to express themselves with their art and creative skills. Dr. Abela appealed that in the face of a challenging situation, the children do not hesitate to ask for help.
Minister for Education Clifton Grima spoke about the importance of education and reading so that every student has a complete education that leads to being a responsible citizen. “Through books and as we are seeing today, through drawing, we are giving children tools to understand how important it is to love themselves and respect those around them,” said Minister Grima. He emphasized on the importance of the role of guidance teachers in schools who help students in achieving self-esteem, individual responsibility, decision-making and social skills.