A project has been launched with an investment of €600,000 that will lead to a wide digitalization in the fishing sector. This project was announced by the Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja Said and is one of the many budget measures that will be implemented next year.
The digitization element will also enter the animal sector, as a new web site for the adoption of animals will be launched in collaboration with the Animal Commissioner. In this site they will be able to include information on all the animals found in the various sanctuaries, so that anyone who is interested in adopting, can obtain all the information with easier access.
Alicia Bugeja Said explained how these initiatives will help increase efficiency and transparency within the respective departments as well as with the public. She reiterated that despite the international challenges we are currently going through, the 2023 Budget shows that the government will continue to be the shield of the fishermen and volunteers who are part of these areas.
In this budget the government continued to confirm its support for Maltese and Gozitan fishermen. Among these initiatives, the parliamentary secretary announced that the enforcement and protection of fishermen will continue. After the arrival of the ship Lundy Sentinel in our country earlier this year, the government will continue to dedicate €200,000 to continue fighting illegalities within our waters.
The government is also allocating €100,000 to the fishermen, to do the maintenance on their wooden vessels. This initiative will continue to alleviate the financial burdens faced by fishermen, while contributing to the tourist aspect, as thousands of tourists visit our country and look for the art that these boats provide within the ports our picturesque.
The parliamentary secretary explained that the Young Farmers scheme will be replicated for fishermen, to continue renewing the fishing sector while attracting more young people to be involved in this sector. Among ongoing discussions, the work currently underway in the European forums on the tuna fishing quota which is expected to increase in the coming year was also mentioned.
In the animal protection sector, the parliamentary secretary claimed that the government is dedicating €575,000 with the aim of providing medical aid to those animals involved in accidents, or otherwise that are abandoned and rescued by the Animal Protection Directorate. For the coming year, the government is in discussion with an international non-governmental organization, which is expected to continue to assist the government in a national cat repair campaign.
She went on to say that the government will continue to support the work in favor of animals, through the Local Council Care Fund. This fund can lead to more cat cafes, dog parks, as well as local stewards within Maltese and Gozitan towns and villages. Alicia Bugeja Said said that “We as a government believe that our work in this area should not only be at a national level, but also at a local and community level.”
The parliamentary secretary ended by saying that once again, the Animal Protection Fund will continue to provide financial assistance for daily operations, as well as infrastructural projects, to the various voluntary organizations that work in the animal protection sector.