Prime Minister Robert Abela delivers passionate and powerful reply to Opposition’s Budget speech.

Prime Minister Robert Abela replies to the leader of the Opposition's budget speech

Prime Minister Robert Abela replies to the leader of the Opposition’s budget speech.

Prime Minister delivered a passionate reply to the Opposition’s budget speech.

Confident in the work of his government and the results his ministers are producing, he proceeded to weigh into every part of the Oppositions budget reply.

From energy to child benefits, housing and environment, transport and education, Prime Minister Abela simply thrashed Opposition leader Bernard Grech’s budget speech. The government, said Abela, would continue to protect people from inflation, would support children and improve the quality of life for everyone.

“Challenges evolve, and so do decisions. The secret to our politics lies in continuously reinventing ourselves,” he said. “Challenges change, and so does government’s work.”


Photo Credit  – DOI – Clifton Fenech