Nescafé LifeCycle Challenge team departs Malta for 2,000km challenge in Argentina and Chile

Participants of the 2022 Nescafé LifeCycle Challenge left Malta on 31 October 2022 to kick off this year’s edition of the cycling challenge from Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, to Santiago in Chile in a bid to raise further awareness on kidney disease in Malta and to raise more funds for kidney disease research and the treatment for kidney disease.

The group flying to South America is composed of 24 people, out of which 17 are cyclists.
Chile will be the 50th country in which cyclists will venture since the challenge started more
than 20 years ago. The challenge will be spread out over ten days, which will start on 2
November and end on 12 November. It will see participants cycle up to an elevation of over
3,000 metres over the Andes which will make it the highest altitude reached thus far.

LifeCycle (Malta) Foundation Alan Curry said: “The Foundation and the participants of this year’s challenge, which will be the 22nd one, have trained tirelessly since July to pursue this ambitious objective. As we know, this challenge was postponed by two years due to the pandemic and we are very excited that this is finally happening.”
He added: “We have had intensive outdoor and indoor cycling training to be prepared for the various conditions of our route, which included our usual endurance training for the endlessly long stretches across the Pampas in Argentina, as well as specific training for the significant elevations we will be facing in the second half of the challenge as we cross the Andes into Chile.”

Mr Curry said that the team will keep renal patients and their families in their hearts and minds during the next ten days and acknowledged the participants’ huge efforts and sacrifices they have made to be part of this year’s LifeCycle team.

Other support team members who will be playing a crucial role in the Nescafé LifeCycle
Challenge, together with the event’s sponsors, cyclists’ families and friends gathered at the
Malta International Airport departure lounge to wish them the very best ahead of this gruelling challenge.

Donations to the LifeCycle (Malta) Foundation can be made via Revolut on 9932 9101, by PayPal on this link: and via SMS: 5061 7370 for €2.33; 5061 8920 for €6.99; 5061 9229 for €11.65; or via a call to 5160 2020 for €10; 5170 2005 for €15; and 5180 2006 for €25.

Donations can be made also via bank transfers via Swift code VALLMTMT, IBAN MT 18 VALL
22013000000014814521017, with the Bank name being Bank of Valletta, and account number 14814521017.
For more information, one can visit or

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