In an operation carried out in the early hours of Friday morning, the Police together with the Detention Service and the Directorate for Environmental Health, carried out inspections in the locations of Marsa, Ħamrun, and Ħ’Attard. This is also part of a relentless work against illegal immigration.
In fact, they spoke to several people of different nationalities in inspections carried out in the streets, bus stops, as well as buildings. They found that a number of persons of foreign nationality are living, in bad conditions and without permission to be in the country.
When the Police analyzed whether, among others, the people have the necessary documentation to be in Malta, they arrested 40 people who were living in the country illegally and immediately the process was started so that these people did not do not stay in Malta.
The authorities will also be investigating the owners of the places where these people live.
This work joins similar operations that are carried out consistently every week and aims to send a clear message – that our communities embrace the principle of the observance of laws so that those who live in them always feel safe.
The Minister for the Interior, Security, Reforms and Equality Byron Camilleri said that “In the coming weeks this work will be continued and strengthened, and a number of similar operations will continue to be carried out around the – the country, as well as in Gozo. This is so that the authorities can continue to fight the issue of illegal immigration, as part of a strategy built on prevention, return, and relocation.”
Photos: MHSR