“The European budgets for the health field must remain protected despite the economic challenges brought about by the War in Ukraine.”
This was stressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne who participated in the Informal Council of Ministers of Health in Prague, in the Czech Republic, a meeting during which the challenges facing the health sectors were discussed as a consequence of the economic challenges that are ruling the world.
During the same meeting, the assistance that the European Union can give to Ukraine in order to rebuild the health system in the country was discussed, while it was discussed how the care of Ukrainian patients who are currently being given by the Member States can be continued without interruption, once these refugees return to their country. This part of the meeting was attended by the Ukrainian Minister of Health who showed his country’s appreciation for the solidarity of colleagues in the field of health and the support shown by the Member States during the aggression. Russian
The meeting also focused on vaccination and how this is the most effective way to prevent diseases, where the Deputy Prime Minister Fearne once again stressed the need for the European Union to keep buying medical resources jointly. “Now we know that the joint procurement system works, and we want to continue using this model when we buy vaccines and other medicines” claimed Minister Fearne.
The Ministers of Health also discussed how cancer prevention can be improved, and how the Member States can work better together in the care of cancer patients.