Launching the 13th edition of Rockestra – On 10th September with the theme “I love rock ‘n’ roll”

The President of Malta presides over the launch of Rockestra 2022

The 13th edition of Rockestra will be held on 10th September, with the theme “I love rock ‘n’ roll”.

This edition was announced on Wednesday morning at Verdala Palace.

In a few words, Rockestra’s artistic director Pawlu Borg Bonaci explained that following last year’s Rockestra edition with a difference, this year will be a special edition for two reasons as it will be held at MFCC’s outdoor area in Ta’ Qali and will have a standing audience.

He also said that this year the entertainment will continue after the end of the Rockestra concert and there will also be the possibility of buying food and drinks.

For his part, Rockestra’s musical director Sigmund Mifsud, expressed his appreciation towards the great team voluntarily working on Rockestra so that ultimately help is given to many people benefitting from The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

Also present for the launch of Rockestra were the spokesperson of the Opposition for the National Heritage, the Arts and Culture Julie Zahra and the Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici, who appealed to the public to attend this event with a noble aim and to promote Maltese talent.

President of Malta George Vella explained this event as a reflection that while the public is having fun, it is also helping those in need. He thanked everyone involved in the organisation of this concert and augured its success.

Among the singers taking part in this year’s edition are Kevin Paul, Moira Stafrace, Drakard, Ira Losco and Jotham.

Tickets for Rockestra can be purchased at For the first ten days from the announcement of this event, one can benefit from an offer on ticket prices.