ESD – Student participation in democratic decision making at a local level

Thursday 26th May 2022 marked the conclusion of IMPATT 2022. This six-month-long journey provided middle-school level students with an opportunity to participate in democratic decision-making at a local level.

IMPATT aims at empowering students with confidence, skills, and competencies to act as intermediaries between their cohort and national decision makers. Such democratic decision-making opportunities are a foundation stone in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Education Programmes.

During this scholastic year, students from four schools: St Michael College Santa Venera; St Nicholas College Middle School Rabat; St Benedict College Middle School Kirkop; and St Ignatius College Middle School Ħandaq, embarked on a learning journey through which they were encouraged to research about the historical and cultural heritage pertaining to their school’s locality. Through such a process, students
were able to undertake an analysis of how the course of time has affected the respective locality’s social, environmental, economic, and cultural dimensions.

After active participation in several learning opportunity sessions: school-based tasks and others coordinated by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the students drafted practical proposals and recommendations aligned to Malta’s Sustainable Development Vision 2050. These proposals encourage respective Local Councils to ensure further holistic sustainable development within their locality.

Following the final presentation event, in the presence of Local Council representatives, St Ignatius College Middle School Ħandaq was awarded 1st place with Premju IMPATT 2022 and St Benedict College Middle School Kirkop earned 2nd place with Premju Mexxejja ta’ Għada.

All participating students were presented with certificates and book tokens by the Maltese National Commission for UNESCO.

1st and 2nd prizes were awarded by Global Education Network Europe (GENE).

IMPATT was jointly coordinated by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes, the Maltese National Commission for UNESCO, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Global Education Network Europe (GENE).
IMPATT 2023 will be launched soon through an official DLAP letter circular.

Photo: (From left) Francesco Debono, Marilyn Cassar Cordina from the Directorate for
Learning and Assessment Programmes and the students from the Tal-Handaq School who won first prize in the IMPATT 2022 Competition.