“A complete transformation that has led to a service of excellence” – Prime Minister Robert Abela

“The complete transformation that the Public Service has undergone in the last nine years has led to the delivery of a service of excellence. Now, through the latest strategy that has started to be implemented, we will continue to look forward with ambition for our country to continue to achieve results.”

This was stated by Prime Minister Robert Abela when addressing a conference for heads of the Public Service as part of Public Service Week 2022, themed ‘Investing in Quality’.

He added that the Public Service was and will remain the driving force of many of the reforms that have been implemented and that will be carried out in future. He stressed that the public administration and its employees are crucial for our country to reach new levels and to meet people’s aspirations.

Dr Abela said that investment in human resources, tools and technology will continue. “Because prudence does not mean refraining from investing as much as necessary, but spending where necessary,” said the Prime Minister while thanking the Public Service for its efforts and for always doing its best in the public’s interest and for the delivery of the best possible service.

“Our aim should be to continue raising the percentage of client satisfaction with the Public Service” – The Principal Permanent Secretary

“While it is true that a rate of 70% as regards client satisfaction with the Public Service, according to the Eurobarometer, is a high figure and the best one among our neighbouring countries, there are countries with better levels of client satisfaction. Our target should be to reach these levels, with figures of 80% or higher.”

This was stated by Principal Permanent Secretary Mario Cutajar when addressing the conference for heads of the Public Service as part of Public Service Week 2022.

He added that the economy and the country cannot make great progress if the Public Service is not a machine that performs and implements, that solves difficulties instead of creating them, that prepares the right climate for people to live better in every aspect of their lives.

The Public Service has two loyalties: one towards those who make use of its services, by giving them peace of mind, and loyalty towards the government, elected democratically with the people’s vote, which has a programme to implement. That programme must be transformed by the Public Service into plans and actions. These two loyalties merge into one service for the good of the country, for a better Malta, and for the best possible future, said Mr Cutajar.

Referring to the new strategy ‘Achieving a Service of Excellence’ that started being implemented during this Public Service Week, he said  that  its vision is clear—a seamless service that creates no stress, in other words a service of excellence. This vision will be carried out through 45 measures, 18 of which address investment in quality itself, inter alia with the help of artificial intelligence, the Once Only Principle and the single point of entry; 17 measures address sustainability, with the setting up of a central registry, remote working and the acknowledgement of experience for career improvement; and 10 measures address accountability, which now takes on new importance with an increased use of data.

Mr Cutajar said that grouped together, these measures are centred around people, a strong investment in technology and service improvement. Measures that make this strategy the first of its kind because it brings together the main elements that make up the Public Service, with a single vision for the organisation as a whole.