Prime Minister Robert Abela meets the Chamber of Commerce

At a meeting in the Auberge de Castille, Prime Minister Robert Abela welcomed the leadership and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Prime Minister stressed that the government’s policy remains one based on social dialogue, while wherever decisions need to be taken, they are taken in the best interest of Gozitan and Maltese businesses and families.

At the beginning of his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of continuing on the path to full normalcy through the release of further measures.

“At the moment one of the most important things, including for the sectors that you represent, is to continue on the path to normalcy. More measures will be released in the coming days to show that we are getting closer to our normal lives. This does not mean that one does not take care of one’s health and that of those around one, but we must continue to move in the direction of choosing the right person to determine the best way to take care of oneself, “said Dr Abela.

In this context, the Prime Minister remarked on the support of the economic recovery that our country is already experiencing and that is expected to continue at a fast pace.

“By the end of last year, GDP was half a billion higher than before the pandemic. We must now see to it that each sector reaches the levels before the pandemic broke out, “said the Prime Minister, who stressed that all sectors should be helped as needed.

The Prime Minister said, “All this needs to be done in the context of the two major transformations that we need to carry out successfully – decarbonisation and digitalisation. Either way, time is running out. We must work quickly and in such a way that these changes take place in every sector. Obviously the government will give special support to make these changes. Both the recovery and resilience plan and European funding in general will be crucial here. I believe that stakeholders must be government partners in this process. ”

Prime Minister Robert Abela referred to the current situation in Ukraine and the international community.

“It simply came to our notice then. The war in Ukraine is first and foremost reprehensible for the atrocities being committed and Malta is sending a strong message in all forums. We are also aware that it is putting pressure on your members and on our citizens. The government will continue to be one for the people and with the people, “Dr Abela reiterated.

In his speech, the Prime Minister outlined a number of proposals that have given this government confidence and that will subsequently further enhance the quality of life of the worker in the workplace.

“Tax cuts, the ease of doing business and the less bureaucratic way we have to work, while continuing to build on the good we have done in the governance sector. I look forward to seeing the implementation of important measures from the next budget, “continued the Prime Minister, who explained how a very important element will be the labor policy.

The President of the Chamber of Commerce, Marisa Xuereb, had a positive word for the appointment of the new cabinet and made a number of suggestions for the work of the government in the different sectors.

Present during the meeting were the Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands Silvio Schembri, the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and the Minister for Finance and The work of Clyde Caruana.