Over €4 million in EU funds have been earmarked to support ten (10) projects to foster capacity building and policy reforms within the Maltese public administration.
Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi said that the ten successful projects cover a variety of policy areas and sectors, including clean mobility, renovation, healthcare, tourism, sustainable finance, combatting human trafficking and sustainable development, amongst others.
The Junior Minister said that, “the TSI instrument has continued to actively support the reform process across various sectors in Malta, thus complementing national policies and EU investments. The instrument continues to entice interest amongst national bodies with this year’s call representing a higher number of selected projects and earmarked support by the European Commission than the first call that was launched last year.” He held that the areas of support under the TSI aim to build on the successful implementation of initiatives previously supported under the SRSP programme and the first call under the TSI.
Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi held that the areas of support under the TSI will contribute to other European-wide commitments such as the green and digital transitions, and Sustainable Development Goals. This will enable Malta to further advance in its commitments towards an improved environment, a more digitalised society as well as improved services for businesses and citizens alike.
File photo: Stephen Zrinzo Azzopardi