In asecond open discussion that focused on the priorities of the European Union and which was held at the Mosta Local Council hall, the attending public had the opportunity to speak on how they would like to see the European Union in the future.
This activity was one of a number of activities held in connection with the Conference on the Future of Europe, which are being organised throughout the year by SEM and the Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is a Europe-wide initiative, where anyone interested can contribute opinions, ideas, and suggestions on how he/she would like Europe to be in the coming years.
Activities are being held in Malta and Gozo for people of all ages representing different sectors to discuss various topics on the future of Europe, such as the environment, health, education, the economy, democracy, youth, immigration, and others.
In his message, Minister Carmelo Abela said that, through these discussions, which are well-organised by the SEM agency, we are gathering a number of opinions and suggestions on different areas from all walks of life.
The Minister referred to his participation in the plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, between the 21-22 January 2022, where he emphasized that citizens’ participation is a reminder to politicians to never stop listening to what citizens have to say, and that an open and continuous dialogue should always be maintained.
For this purpose, these meetings offer an opportunity for the Maltese and Gozitans to express their opinion and share their thoughts and aspirations, so that finally, through the SEM agency, the message will reach the European Union, so that all of us live in a Europe that we want and be the contributors that shape a better European Union.
The Chief Executive of European Services in Malta, Mandy Falzon, spoke about how the agency is working hard to reach as many citizens as possible in different localities. The suggestions and opinions of those who participate are gathered in a national report combined with those of other Europeans and contribute to the design of an EU priority plan for the coming years.
Anyone who wants to submit ideas and suggestions on the future of Europe can also access a Digital Platform in 24 languages, including Maltese and write his/her ideas on specific subjects, comment on the ideas of others, and take part in organised activities, both in Malta and online in other countries.