“The objective to establish a direct connection with EU citizens should continue to guide all our work” – Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi

While participating in the meeting of the General Affairs Council of the European Union, held on Tuesday in Brussels, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi commended the work of the Slovenian Presidency and the work that is being undertaken by the current French Presidency of the EU.

During the General Affairs Council meeting, the French Presidency presented its priorities, which are based on three main themes: recovery, strength and a sense of belonging. The Council also discussed the package presented by the European Commission on the strengthening of democracy and integrity of elections, the latest development on EU-UK relations and the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi stated that the European Union has always been a defining hallmark of European shared values and principles. Therefore, the Parliamentary Secretary continued, strengthening European citizens’ sense of belonging, as encapsulated in the French Presidency priorities, is not only commendable but extremely relevant given the current circumstances. Furthermore, Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi added that the objective to establish a direct connection with EU citizens should continue to guide the work of the member states and of all EU institutions.  Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi expressed Malta’s support towards the priorities as set out by the French Presidency.

On COVID-19 coordination, Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi reiterated Malta’s position that coordination should be based on science and that member states should continue to update their instruments to ensure they remain relevant in the fight against the virus. In this regard, he stressed the importance of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to continue providing clear guidance. 

Regarding the set of proposals on the strengthening of European democracies, Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi welcomed this package as it strives to safeguard the integrity of European democracies and freedom of expression.

On the EU-UK relations, particularly the ongoing discussions on the Northern Ireland Protocol, Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi expressed Malta’s full support towards the European Commission’s efforts in trying to resolve the outstanding issues.

Photos: OPM_PS