The framework for the relaxation of preventive measures against COVID-19 is announced

From Monday, February 7, 2022, the obligation to present the vaccine certificate in order to access restaurants, snack bars and clubs will be removed. The mandatory use of the vaccine certificate for access to bars, cinemas, theaters, gyms and fitness centers, pools, spas and saunas will be abolished from 14 February 2022.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne during a parliamentary session, where he explained that the release of these measures is a result of the good booster intake rate. In fact, it has been reported that 75% of the adult population has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Chris Fearne explained that this is only the first part of the government’s “exit plan” and therefore for the time being organized events will remain seated and will remain with the obligation to present the vaccine certificate.

The Deputy Prime Minister explained how so far, the seven-day quarantine for primary contacts, ie those who had contact with a positive person, has led to the further prevention of the spread of COVID, so much so that from the end of quarantine it turned out that one person out of seven tested positive. However, he said that as the number of cases in the community continues to decline, it will be possible to lower the quarantine for primary contacts to five days, and eventually remove it altogether.

Chris Fearne reiterated that the booster is having a positive effect on Maltese health and society and therefore appealed to those who have not yet been vaccinated to attend one of the vaccine walk-in clinics or apply for an appointment at .