A positive year for the Embryo Protection Authority

2021 was a positive year for the EPA, with 41 pregnancies appearing in cycles over the past year, which is well above the number of pregnancies in 2020.

Over the past year, the authority has not only been relocated to a new building to better meet its needs, but a number of beautiful results have also been achieved.

Visiting the new Embryo Protection Authority building in Luqa, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne thanked the entire board and staff of the authority for their work. their.

In addition, the European Atlas of Fertility Treatment Policies, which is formed by the European Commission, the ESHRE (European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology), as well as Fertility Europe (the Patients’ Association), ranked Malta as ‘very good’ with 71% in the same category as England, Sweden, Spain, Finland and Denmark, among others. Malta has even been ranked ahead of countries that have been offering this service for many years, including Germany, Italy, Austria, Cyprus and Ireland.