By renewing an agreement between Aġenzija Sapport and the Inspire Foundation, worth € 2.9 million, the Ministry for Inclusion, Quality of Life and Volunteering will be providing specialized services. during the day to 33 people with profound multiple learning disabilities who have more complex needs.
During a press conference, the Minister for Inclusion, Quality of Life and Volunteering Julia Farrugia Portelli explained that from this week the highest budget ever given to the disability sector came into force. , with a direct budget of € 50 million. She stressed that this year the government will show with facts how much it believes in disability and the importance of supporting this sector.
Regarding this agreement, Minister Farrugia Portelli explained that this is being done over a period of three years and is being renewed with a considerable increase of € 1.1 million from the previous investment, as well as with an increase in people with disabled people who will benefit from these services. In addition, Minister Farrugia Portelli said that there will be an increase in the weekly hours of services that will be provided.